“I mentioned that I’d met her partner on the street and she’d neglected to tell me he was handsome. Madeline looked derisively at me and said, ‘I’m neurotic but I don’t have bad taste.”

Good Morning Monster - Now a podcast, soon to be a film!
I am thrilled to be working with Dear Media in L.A. I have finished the script of GOOD MORNING MONSTER and now it has gone to casting. I’m not used to working with others and people younger than my children, but it has been a great experience and I’ve learned a ton. For those of you that know the book the first story will be Madeline, the very rich woman who had emotional impoverisment. But she had guts! Read all about it below.
The House Of The Seven Cellars
Presently at work on a new novel about the Underground Railroad in Lewiston, New York. I grew up in Lewiston in an 1824 house that was used to hide slaves, so my imagination has been on fire with the topic since childhood.